Monday, July 29, 2013


“Some of us know what it is like to be too happy to live. The love of God has been so overpoweringly experienced by us on some occasions that we almost had to ask God to stop the delight. If he had not veiled his love & glory just a bit we would have died for joy.” -Charles Spurgeon 

There have been so many changes lately. Both outside my body and inside my soul. I have been so overcome with joy in certain moments I can taste just the smallest taste of this concept so beautifully portrayed by Spurgeon. 
First the churching. The ground must be churned. Then it can be made to support life by turning into into the ground dead things, refuse and unused parts. Then the furtile ground recieves a gift and new life can begin. This gift, this seed, the gift of God; the Holy Spirit transforms this plot into a birthplace. Garden in my heart, Lord. I know I am too selfish and small to want it from you in the moment. But I welcome you, I will myself to ask you to wreck me for you, so that I can be yours most fully.